Cadasil Support UK Charity registered address Reservoir House Ogden Water Halifax HX2 8YA Charity Number: 1175812
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Sometimes, all you want to do is read to try and understand more.  We don’t want to over load you so have added a few of the brochures and downloadable posters that you can also download from the Facebook group. What is CADASIL - This is a 36 page document by Professor Hugh Markus from the University of Cambridge CADASIL - Clinical Q & A - This is a 3 page more in depth document of answers to questions you will no doubt be wondering about Notes from the CADASIL Conference on 30 July 2017 - Main points captured from the conference Brain blood vessels - A brochure by the University of Cambridge explaining what causes tissue damage in CADASIL and where the study is now at and where it wants to be Advances in CADASIL research - A 31 page brochure explaining the research that is taking place Encephalopathy - A rare symptom of CADASIL - a 10 page brochure written by Anna Drazyk CADASIL SUPPORT UK Human stem cells to model stroke and to test new treatments